SPR International

Atlanta, GA 30201

"Established 1973"



I am Larry Stevens the founder of SPR International Bathtub Refinishing and the inventor of the Glastic, ColdFuzion, No Spray Surface restoration system.  SPR is a privately owned family tradition and not traded on any stock exchange.

We have been in the surface restoration product sales business since 1973 and have helped hundreds of individuals world wide to learn a better way to refinish bathtubs.

It is our family policy to give each customer as much time and attention as it takes to insure their success with our refinishing system.  Your success with our NO Spray Refinishing System assures us of being here for another 40 years. The SPR family and I  want to personally thank you for your interest in our unique restoration system and encourage you to think very seriously about the benefits that can be yours.

We sincerely hope you will find our site content enlightening and encouraging. It is a wonderful feeling to know that there is a safer, better way to do what you do every day with better results and NO complaints.  The only call-backs you can expect are from happy customers referring family, friends and neighbors to you. Oh and by the way many of those happy customers will be calling you to order more surface care maintenance products to keep their professionally restored surfaces looking like new.

For over 40 years we have strived to conform to the strictest California codes for our refinishing products. In the early 1980s we developed the Poly-Tub-Restoration™ No Spray System, this along with a unique line of tub restoration products called Glastic ColdFuzion.  All of this was was kept as a closely guarded trade secret for over 25 years by our network of refinishers world wide. You can now benefit from decades of experience with our next generation NO Spray Refinishing system and the proprietary Glastic refinishing products. You can become an independent applicator and purchase, our unique products, equipment and tools.  Applicators always get easy to follow written instructions as well as on line video training for each product, and there is an 800 hotline for questions and advice.  The FREE online training site for applicators is available 24/7 to help with additional surface repair and  restoration instructions and an in depth training program for residential and commercial sales and marketing. We also provide hands on training if required.

If you are already a refinisher you will really appreciate the possibilities that are ahead of you with the SPR No Spray system. If you are new to the industry you are in a perfect position since you do not have to suffer all of the hazards and consequences of spray painting like all of  the refinishers that came before you.

Hundreds of old school bathtub painters have seen the light and no longer put their health in danger every day by spraying dangerous bathtub paint products. Read the HAZARD labels on your present products, they are HAZARDOUS to your health! Over time many refinishers become sensitized to the spray paint products and can no longer remain in the same room with them, let alone spray a tub. Do yourself and your family a favor and consider what you are exposing your body to daily, including your brain and  internal organs.  Protect your health and your life it is a precious gift!


Thanks For Your Interest

Larry Stevens




The Time Is Right

Do NOT Miss This Opportunity






Will Never PEEL Like Bathtub Paint









Ugly Stained Porcelain Tub

 SPR Process

 Completed SPR Tub



Green Tub, Dull, Stained, Hard To Clean

 Like New and  Ready to Use Same Day

NO Spraying - NO Odors - NO Mess, NO Clean-Up


Ceramic Tile Restoration

 Even change grout color without replacing the grout


What are our applicators saying?

SPR of Charlottesville

My Name is Richie Vaughan, I have been a bathtub refinisher for the past 7 years. I refinish a lot of tubs and sometimes have to apply a pigmented coating on a tub to change the color but I would rather use the SPR no spray products because it is so easy to make a tub look like new. There are NO ODORS or NO MESS and the tub can be used the same day. My customers love the results and I love the process.   Our main office in Richmond VA has been using the SPR No Spray products since 1985 and would not even think of using anything else. We refinish hundreds of tubs each year and there are virtually NO call backs with the SPR products.  There is nothing else like it!


Thank You SPR for making my job safer and the No SPRAY application so easy !

Ritchie Vaughan


The Tub Guy

I have refinished bathtubs for nearly 20 years and have tried virtually every product available. I love the business but always hated the drawbacks related to spraying paint with fancy names.  I was very skeptical when I saw the advertisement from SPR talking about their No Spray Refinishing process. I was just about to call it quits with painting tubs. But I figured what the heck I've tried everything else, just maybe there is something to their hype.

I ordered their startup kit. When it arrived I unpacked everything and laid it out to see just what I had gotten myself into. As I looked over the tools and supplies I did not see anything that I had used before to paint tubs.

I decided to give it a try, so I read the instructions for restoring porcelain tubs several times. I then got an old tub to practice on and boy was it ugly. I followed the instructions to the T. Well, low and behold the tub started looking better and better as I progressed. When I finished that first tub the SPR way I knew that I was on to something BIG.

After doing the practice tub several times I went out and did my first tub for a customer and I was amazed.


  • I did not spray anything.

  • I did not need to wear a respirator.

  • The tub could be used the same day.

  • My fingernails and hands were not white with glaze.

  • There was no spray gun to clean up or any solvent to dispose of.

  • It was hard to believe that what I had just done with my own hands and SPR was really possible.

  • After finishing the tub I presented the home owner with the SPR tub care gift box, full of unique tub care supplies.

  • There were NO ODORS and NO complaints, just praises and complements on the TUB and the Tub care kit I left with them.

That first tub looked pretty good to me, however it looked great to the homeowner.  After that, each tub I did looked better than the last one. After finishing my first 15 tub SPR restoration kit I was thoroughly convinced that I was never going to get out of this business. I love the money surface refinishing gives me and I love doing it the SPR® way. GO GREEN GO!

I have been restoring a like new look to tubs & tile the SPR way for several years now and seldom if ever have a call back. Before SPR I refinished very little tile, but now I do a lot of it, because it is so easy.   After explaining to my prospects that I do not paint anymore but restore surfaces to their original look with Glastic™ a space age clear liquid polymer that rebuilds and renews the surface I feel confident enough to give a Lifetime Written Warranty that the unique Glastic polymer will never PEEL like tub paint!  The products and knowledge I get from SPR makes my company stand head high over any of my competitors.

When SPR suggested I charge $499 per tub I though they were crazy but I soon learned that if you have something really unique, you can ask what you want for it. They really will pay that much for a lifetime warranty against peeling because most people have either had a tub peel or know someone that has. Bathtub painting has a bad reputation in most areas.  I charge more now for a tub than ever before and my customers get a lot more for their money thanks to SPR. 

I have talked with many refinishers in other parts of the country who were in the same situation I was in. Many of them have switched over to the SPR process too. There are however some I've talked with who are very skeptical and refuse to make any kind of change. Its kind of like an old newspaper reporter who refuses to use a computer since his old typewriter still works. Unfortunately he will just fade away!

I love praise and hate complaints thanks to SPR complaints are a thing of the past for us now!

The Tub Guy


Homeowner:  Click to here a happy customers testimonial

I live in Dallas TX and had my tub refinished with the SPR Glastic No Spray Process.  It has been almost 15 years since I had my tub done and it still looks great, I love how easy it is to clean.  My daughters tub now needs to be refinished and I want her to get it done with the SPR Glastic No Spray Process just like I did.  Can you please direct me to the applicator serving my area?


Our hotel is located right on the beach in Savannah GA and really gets a lot of abuse from the sand. We tried having the tubs refinished several times but they always peeled and looked worse than before they were refinished. After learning about the SPR Glastic No Spray System we had the the paint removed using their NO odor paint stripper to remove all of the old paint from our tubs and started over.  Out tubs now look great without painting them. We can now easily maintain them and never worry about peeling paint again.


Our property is getting old and our tubs have been painted many times. We could not afford to replace them so we just kept getting them painted. Well that was then and this is NOW. We no longer have peeling bathtub paint. Our local SPR NO Spray applicators removed the old paint from our tubs and then restored them. Some were done in occupied apartments. There was NO Odor or mess and the tubs could be used the same day. Since that time things have been much better around here when tubs are refinished.  NO MORE COMPLAINTS!






© 2009 SPR International Inc. Atlanta GA 30102